The Frequency

We have a problem. At conventions around the world, TrekFans are besieged by a common foe: Not enough bandwidth. If the entire convention is over-run with geeks, it’s almost impossible to get a call through. Even SMS can be a challenge.

The good news is that we have a solution. TrekFan members with an amateur radio can make short work of the bandwidth problem, coordinate times and locations and make it easier to share and pass messages throughout the facilities.

Conventions are just a very small piece of the puzzle. You can do a lot of really incredible things with amateur radio, like:

  • Pull satellite imagery directly from the satellites themselves
  • Talk to astronauts on the International Space Station
  • Provide valuable services to communities with unpredictable weather
  • Communicate with people all around the world

Amateur radio looks like a very complex and technical challenge from the outside, but we’re here to tell you that it’s easier than it seems. Who are we? We are the TrekFan Frequency, a Facebook group run by licensed members of the Amateur Radio Service — And we want to help you learn more about this awesome hobby. And we’re all part of TrekFan, just like you!

Name FCC Callsign License Class
Michael Edelson KA2SPH Amateur Extra
Samuel Cummings KA9PAZ General
Emmett Plant KB3MPN Amateur Extra
Jonathan Connor KG7BAQ Technician
David Rock K9DWR Amateur Extra
Jeremy Taylor K1JST General

If you’re already an amateur radio operator and you’re part of TrekFan and would like to help out, please let us know! Just send an E-mail to with your callsign and class and we’ll get you involved.